I have a NodeJS application running in AWS services. Currently, my lambda is able to connect to your jwks.json check token endpoint. However, when I add settings to allow Lambda to connect to my RDS database, it fails to connect to the jwks.json endpoint.
I’m using the serverless.yml (from serverless.com) to assist for deployment.
I have it as follows (slim version):
service: cool-project provider: name: aws runtime: nodejs12.x stage: dev region: us-east-1 vpc: securityGroupIds: - sg-xxxxxxxx subnetIds: - subnet-11111111 - subnet-22222222 - subnet-33333333 - subnet-44444444 - subnet-55555555 - subnet-66666666 functions: web: handler: index.handler events: - http: "ANY /" - http: "ANY /{proxy+}"
To summarize, without the VPC settings, Lambda won’t connect to RDS, but JWT checking works. When adding VPC settings, Lambda is able to connect to RDS, but JWT checking fails.
Has anyone else faced this?