Authorization Extension - support for extended group attributes?

Hey all,

I’m currently leveraging the Authorization Extension alongside a custom action to populate a custom-namespaced my.domain/groups claim within my tokens.

This works great! However, I’m sourcing my groups from Google - and would like to use group email rather than group name. The Google Enterprise connector is able to provide groups in a list of JSON objects (id, name, email) or name strings (“extended” vs. “simplified”)

(as a tangent, it is frustrating I can’t just choose email string from this option list!)

If I switch to JSON objects however, the Authorization Extension panics, and requests that the array of groups should be strings (which is annoying, I’m mapping them to strings in a subsequent action anyway, I just need the information propagated so it’s retrievable).

Is there anything I can do to stop the Authorization Extension from validating the groups it’s forwarding? Using emails for my group names would really be preferable!


Hi @sam.hine

Unfortunately, there is no out-of-the-box solution to retrieve the group’s email.

It appears that Google API has an endpoint in order to retrieve the Groups Object which you might be able to use for your implementation.

If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a reply!

Kind Regards,