Authentication is not smooth

Hi Everyone,

Some times when i try to login, the login page opens and after entering credentials and click on submit the login page spin and it never not render home page, after sometime it again shows login page. If i open the page in the new tab then it works fine with out any issues.

In the log i see below exception

com.auth0.InvalidRequestException: The request contains an error: a0.invalid_state
	at com.auth0.RequestProcessor.assertValidState(
	at com.auth0.RequestProcessor.process(
	at com.auth0.AuthenticationController.handle(

Maybe a stale session? Is the first attempt to login also a new tab or browser session?

Sometimes it is coming in the first attempt and sometimes i see this issue when i login and leave the browser for sometime and try to login back

Hey there!

Sorry for such delay in response! We’re doing our best in providing the best developer support experience out there, but sometimes the number of incoming questions is just too big for our bandwidth. Sorry for such inconvenience!

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