The issue that I’m having is that with the JWT provided when logging in with the NextJS SDK does not seem to provide a way to pass an audience when calling getAccessToken, so I end up not being able to call my backend api with the token generated on the frontend.
How would I go about getting an access token with the proper audience, so that I can use the same token to:
Be authenticated on the frontend
Use the same token to authenticate to the backend
OR am I going about this in the wrong way entirely? This is my first foray into building OAuth into a frontend application, so I may be doing some things incorrectly.
The NextJS SDK is likely giving you an ID token by default, which is meant for frontend authentication, while your backend expects an access token with a specific audience.
First, in your NextJS frontend, you need to configure the Auth0 SDK with both the audience and scope when initializing:
// auth0-config.ts or similar
import { Auth0Provider } from '@auth0/auth0-react';
const Auth0ProviderWithConfig = ({ children }) => {
return (
redirect_uri: window.location.origin,
audience: 'YOUR_API_IDENTIFIER', // This should match your backend Audience
scope: 'openid profile email' // Add any additional scopes you need
Then, when you need to make API calls, use getAccessTokenSilently() instead of getAccessToken():
Your backend configuration looks correct, but make sure the Audience value matches exactly what you configured in Auth0 and what you’re passing in the frontend configuration.
In Auth0’s dashboard, make sure you:
Have created an API with the identifier matching your audience
Have authorized your application to request access tokens for this API