Auth0 with Capacitor and Ionic 5

Hi All,

My first post here and a particularly tricky one from what I can figure out.

Basically I have a new Ionic 5 app, using the auth0/auth0-angular library in order to perform authorisation,
Now this works absolutely fine on web.
The issue comes on mobile build of the ionic app.
We are using Capacitor to do this.
The app loads, opens safari displaying the login page. It is important to point out here that this is the safari app itself, not an in-app browser.
I successfully login and I am presented with the popup (Open in AppName)
I click Open and am directed back to the application.
At this point however my app just freezes on a black screen.
The callback and redirect don’t seem to happen at all.
My iOS logs just say APP ACTIVE.

Been at a loss for about a week now.
Any help or bright ideas would be wonderful.


Hey chaztats, did you ever find a solution to this problem? I am having the same issue and the only documentation I can seem to find is related to Cordova and not Capacitor.

I would love to hear if you figured something out.

Thanks in advance

Hey I forgot I also posted it on here.
I posted a solution on the Ionic forum.

Feel free to message me if you get stuck :slight_smile:

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Realised I didn’t hit reply.
Hopefully my answer above helps!

Thanks for sharing that with the rest of community @chaztats!