Auth0 SSO for a PWA wrapped in capacitor

Hello all,

We’re evaluating Auth0 at my company in order to handle the authentication part of our coming stack.

We’ll use Next.js to provide a PWA (with a GraphQL API powered by Hasura on the backend).

We also want to distribute the app on mobile and electron and we’ll use ionic’s capacitor project for that.

I’d like to know if auth0 is suited of our needs, which is to be able to authenticate the user on all the platforms using the same code for both the PWA and the mobile apps (as they’re exactly the same codebase). SSO would be a must. ^^

I saw that there is a tutorial for Auth0 and ionic 4 which seems close, but it recommands unmaintained cordova plugins and is focused on the mobile platform.

So the conclude we’ll have :

  • A regular PWA hosted on the web
  • The PWA wrapped in native code thanks to capacitor
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Thanks for reaching out @jgoux and welcome to the community! :star_struck:

For specific evaluations of your business needs and tech stack, I’d recommend working with our team in Professional Services which can help identify any potential pain points in a discovery session.

Unfortunately, we don’t yet have any sample apps using Capacitor but I know it’s being investigated actively. That being said I’d be happy to provide some documentation that you may find helpful as they relate to your project.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further concerns.



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