Auth0 Spring Security API ProviderNotFoundException when using @PreAuthorize

I am having problem using the @PreAuthorize annotation for my endpoints after following the Auth0 Spring Security for API quickstart guide. The response i get is:

 "status": 401,
 "error": "Unauthorized",

I have tried to manually set the authentication provider using the following code for my WebSecurityConfig:

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {"Configuring for Jwt token with iss {} & aud {}", issuer, audience);
        JwtWebSecurityConfigurer.forRS256(audience, issuer)
                .antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/secure/**").hasAuthority("read:secure");
    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
        JwkProvider jwkProvider = new JwkProviderBuilder(issuer).build();
        JwtAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider =new JwtAuthenticationProvider(jwkProvider, issuer, audience);

And the endpoint looks like this:

    @RequestMapping(value = "/test2")
    public String test2(){

Any advice?

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We are seeing similar responses, seemingly out of the blue. This is happening for us only on Native client requests. SPA client requests seem fine. This is happening on a Prod app that has been in prod for months without this issue.

@auth06 - did you ever find an answer to this?