Please include the following information in your post:
Which SDK this is regarding: e.g. auth0-node
auth0 ionic react -
SDK Version: e.g. 2.29.0
ionic-react 5 with capacitor -
Platform Version: e.g. Node 12.19.0
node v14 - Code Snippets/Error Messages/Supporting Details/Screenshots:
import { isPlatform } from "@ionic/react";
export const domain = "";
export const clientId = "f5VvN1hqFOfbT9hECQz17M5wm4n33mqQ";
//const appId = "com.auth0.samples";
const appId = "com.receipt.manager";
// Use `auth0Domain` in string interpolation below so that it doesn't
// get replaced by the quickstart auto-packager
const auth0Domain = domain;
const iosOrAndroid = isPlatform('ios') || isPlatform('android');
export const callbackUri = iosOrAndroid
? `${appId}://${auth0Domain}/capacitor/${appId}/callback`
: `http://localhost:8100/Landing/`;
export async function callback() {
Is this a feature request or bug report? If so, please create an issue directly in the corresponding GitHub repo. The Community SDK category is for general discussion and support.
I am able to run this on local but on android studio I get the following
2022-03-11 12:21:32.130 30826-30826/ I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] “Navigation is unreachable: com.receipt.manager://”, source: (0)
Anyone seen this before?
Please see my capacitor.config.json is as follows
"appId": "com.receipt.manager",
"appName": "receipt-manager",
"webDir": "build",
"bundledWebRuntime": false