Auth0/nextjs withMiddlewareAuthRequired cause CORS issues on API endpoints

I am building a multi-tenant subdomain-based app with Auth0 and Next.js with Hono as router. I am using withMiddlewareAuthRequired in middleware.ts to protect my app and redirect users based on their subdomains. My middleware looks like this:

export default withMiddlewareAuthRequired( async function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
  const response =;
  const pathname = request.nextUrl.pathname;
  const host = request.headers.get('host');
  const session = await getSession(request, response);

  if (host) {
    const domain = getDomain(host, true);
    const segments = host.split('.');
    //check for subdomain existence
    if (host.includes('localhost') ? segments.length > 1 : segments.length > 2) {
      //if user access url with subdomain and at root (example:
      if (pathname === '/') {
        //redirect user to
        return NextResponse.redirect(
          process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? `https://${host}/main` : `http://${host}/main` 
      //redirect to error page if user don't have access to the subdomain
      } else if (session && segments[0] !== session.user.org_name) {
        return NextResponse.redirect(
          process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
            ? `https://${domain}/error/401/unauthorized_org`
            : `http://${domain}/error/401/unauthorized_org`
    //if user try to access /main without subdomain (example:
    } else if (pathname === '/main') {
      //redirect user to homepage
      return NextResponse.redirect(
        process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? `https://${host}` : `http://${host}` 
    } else {

export const config = {
  matcher: ['/((?!_next/static|_next/image|favicon.ico).*)'],

This works fine for protecting pages and API routes. However, calling API routes result in an error:

Access to fetch at ‘http://localhost:3002/api/organizationFromId/org_IA9V4aMfsDJwcCkW’ from origin ‘http://abc_company.localhost:3002’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request’s mode to ‘no-cors’ to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

If I exclude api route from the protection by include it in matcher like so:

export const config = {
  matcher: ['/((?!_next/static|_next/image|favicon.ico|api).*)'],

Then there are no CORS error but the API route won’t be protected.

I did add app.user(‘*’, cors()) in my route handler (I’m using Hono).

I did know about withApiAuthRequired

export default withApiAuthRequired(function Protected(req) {
  const session = getSession();

but it expect Nodejs req res where Hono uses context object so I don’t know how to bridge the gap.

Hi @thien.tm2727,

Whenever you encounter the "https://YOUR_DOMAIN" has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. error, it is because the origin of the request is not explicitly allowed in the Allowed Web Origins setting for your application.

In this case, you will need to include http://abc_company.localhost:3002 in the Allowed Web Origins in your application settings.

This way, the browser will accept the cross-origin response and resolve the error.

Please refer to our Configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing documentation.


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