We currently use Auth0 for authentication and use the user.app_metadata object to store information about the tenant for each user. We also have a requirement to list users per tenant.
Sadly Auth0’s policy is that you cannot search app_metadata fields when querying users.
You can however filter users using the identity provider, so per tenant i’ve created a custom database connection.
The question is how can i log in user in using multiple customer database connections also using the hosted pages? If i provide an array of available connections using the options.allowedConnections object it just defaults to the first connection, meaning users that are not on that connection can’t login.
What am i doing wrong here?
var lock = new Auth0Lock(config.clientID, config.auth0Domain, {
auth: {
redirectUrl: config.callbackURL,
responseType: (config.internalOptions || {}).response_type ||
config.callbackOnLocationHash ? 'token' : 'code',
params: config.internalOptions
assetsUrl: config.assetsUrl,
allowedConnections: 'company-a', 'company-b', 'company-c], //this doesn't seem to work
rememberLastLogin: !prompt,
language: language,
languageDictionary: languageDictionary,
theme: {
logo: 'http://www.mydomain.co/img/logo.png',
primaryColor: 'purple'
prefill: loginHint ? { email: loginHint, username: loginHint } : null,
closable: false,
// uncomment if you want small buttons for social providers
// socialButtonStyle: 'small'