Auth0-js Authorize behaviour not aligned with docs

using auth0-js v9.24.1 with angular

I get a warning stating the following params are not allowed [authorize_call_type, email,expires_in]
when registering a user.

Your documentation does not include the params given in warning
However the params are accepted and work?

Setting authorizeCallType to registration and the email property brings up the auth0 form that prompts a user to enter a new password for the user
and setting authorizeCallType to verification allows the user to enter their password witha pre filled email address?

Why are these options not in the code and not in your documentation (Auth0.js v9 Reference) but still work

what is the best way to do the above using angular and auth0-js according to what is in the documentation?

import { WebAuth } from 'auth0-js';

this.auth0WebAuth = new WebAuth({[creds]})

this.auth0WebAuth .authorize(
        connection: Authconnection,
        email: myEmail,
        authorizeCallType: // "registration" | "verification",
        redirectUri: `${window.location.origin}/callback`,
        state: myState,
        expiresIn: 900 //  15 mins
      error => console.error(error),