Auth0 Community Ask Me Anything with Auth0 Terraform Provider

A post was split to a new topic: Question about Auth0 Terraform possibilities

A post was split to a new topic: Question about Auth0 Terraform Provider

Hi @vaishnavbawanaka,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I would suggest creating a staging or dev tenant for testing changes before pushing them to your production instances.

Hi @rp185255,

We have an open feature request for this. Please follow here: Management API support for managing tenant members

hi @dan.woda :

I’m currently facing 403s when attempting to modify/create auth0_client resources. I get the following message:

Error: 403 Forbidden: The account is not allowed to perform this operation, please contact our support team.

My tenant’s subscription is an Enterprise Agreement type.

Do you have an idea of why this may be happening? my M2M application has all scopes enabled.

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I’m facing the exact same issue. I was able to create auth0_resource_server, but not able to create an auth0_client resource.

Hey there @elopez and @luis.ordaz !

As you are both on enterprise tier in order to solve it most effectively and as advised per the error message, can I ask you to open a support ticket in our Auth0 Support Center? This way we can take a closer look at it with our developer support engineers. Thank you!

thanks @konrad.sopala !

I did that and I was able to get an answer! It’s due to the setting of an attribute: require_pushed_authorization_requests.

Even if it’s false, the inclusion of that attribute within the resource blocks causes this behavior. I believe that should be considered a bug (I filed a request at the provider repo). This attribute is OPTIONAL, hence, given this last fact, I would consider having it set to false and non-existent being the same.

@elopez : remove this attribute from the resource block you’re trying to modify (even if it’s set to false).

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Yes, I’m testing removing all the null and default values and also worked for me. Thanks for replying.

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No problem! Glad you solved it and shared with community!

I was wondering if it is possible to use GCP secret manager to store auth0_client secret and call it instead of having them in plain text in terraform code or as environment variable.
