Auth0 Community Ask Me Anything: Customize and extend CIAM with new Forms for Actions

We don’t have an out-the-box way to log out users from forms, but I would suggest to look at Sessions API.

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You can pass values from Actions to Forms using:

api.prompt.render(':form_id', {
    fields: {
      first_name: 'Foo',

You can read more examples in our docs.

Soon you will be able to pass collected data in Forms to Actions. Right now the only method is to update user’s app metadata and read it in the onContinuePostLogin method.


Really nice new feature!

Will it be possible to render a form from an action with a custom field of type list, and use this information to feed into the content of a dropdown component?

At the moment it only seems to be possible to configure hardcoded options in the dropdown.


Great feature! When should we expect terraform or API support for the forms creation and customization?


Are there any plans to support forms with triggers other than post login? E.g. pre user registration?


Will it be possible to render a form from an action with a custom field of type list, and use this information to feed into the content of a dropdown component?

Not yet, right now dropdown/choice fields only support static values.

Yes! We’re working to support more parts of the pipeline.

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Great feature! When should we expect terraform or API support for the forms creation and customization?

When this feature moves to General Availability, Terraform and API will be available.

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The Form designer does not include a component for adding Images/Logos to the custom forms we design.

We need a consistent UI similar to Universal Login Page where it shows the application/company logo.

This this a feature we can expect soon?

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What is the expected date for GA?

Yes! We will support soon a block component to allow showing a logo/image.

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@jacobvidal I’d like to +1 on this as this is the key missing feature I need to implement some very nice experiences for internal users that hinges on choosing something from a long list of dynamic choices in their login process

Now this is possible using custom components, there is an example in the docs: Custom Field Components

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Thanks Jacob! Much appreciated.

What is expiry and attemp-failed of “Generate one-time password“‘s action in flows?