Auth0 Certificate Error: ValueError: Unable to load certificate

Hi all,

I’m trying to integrate Auth0 with my Django Rest Framework backend. I’m stuck with this error:

service_1  |    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/", line 1138, in load_pem_x509_certificate
service_1  |    raise ValueError("Unable to load certificate")
service_1  |    ValueError: Unable to load certificate

Certificate in question appears to be well formed


Its somewhat similar to this github issue, but it was not helpful in my case.

Also raised an issue on the cryptography github repo: [BUG] cryptography and Auth0 - ValueError: Unable to load certificate · Issue #4487 · pyca/cryptography · GitHub

Anyone has any ideas on how to debug?

Solved in [BUG] cryptography and Auth0 - ValueError: Unable to load certificate · Issue #4487 · pyca/cryptography · GitHub

Thanks a lot for sharing it with us!

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