Audiencerestriction issue and I see that audience is populated and we have a saml rule


Seeing this error and as you can guess I am not seeing it in the saml being passed. I don’t understand why this error is appearing. I do see the audience value filled out in my new tenant config.

We have this configured in rules for our tenant and it should be passing the value for audience but it doesn’t seem to be reading the rule we have setup for saml. Example of the rule I am have in place is below.

function (user, context, callback) {
context.samlConfiguration = context.samlConfiguration || {};

context.samlConfiguration.mappings = {
"": “user_id”,
“firstName”: “user_metadata.given_name”,
“lastName”: “user_metadata.family_name”,
“email”: “email”

context.samlConfiguration.nameIdentifierProbes = [

if (context.clientName === ‘{application name’) {
context.samlConfiguration.audience = “{metadata url}”;

callback(null, user, context);

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