Attribute mapping, after Sign in with Apple

Thanks so much for sharing @sefer !

From my side, I would like to also let you know that to interact with the Auth0’s Management API (to update user profile data like given_name or family_name) you could use within this Action our “auth0” library instead of writing your own function.

A simplified code sample form our Github repo (it updates user metadata):

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
import { ManagementClient } from 'auth0';

const management = new ManagementClient({
  clientId: '{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}',
  clientSecret: '{YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET}',

await management.users.update({ id: '{user id}' }, { user_metadata: { foo: 'bar' } });

I’m sharing it in case you would like to compare performance of calling our Management API with a custom function versus using our library.


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