appState from client.handleRedirectCallback() gives an error "Invalid Error" abruptly

We are using Auth0 account with tenant ID, having application of type ‘Single Page Application’.
Web application details where we have configured login of auth0,
“vue”: “^3.2.22”,
“typescript”: “^4.5.2”,
auth0-spa-js: “^1.19.2”
Also using new “Organization” feature of auth0

Error is:
Getting an error Invalid state at client.handleRedirectCallback(), but not always.

Code snippet:

type AuthenticationState = {
  initializing: boolean;
  loginActive: boolean;
  isAuthenticated: boolean;
  user: User | undefined;
  accessToken: string | undefined;
  error: Error | undefined;

const state = reactive<AuthenticationState>({
  initializing: false,
  loginActive: false,
  isAuthenticated: false,
  user: undefined,
  accessToken: undefined,
  error: undefined,

const client = new Auth0Client({
  domain: "",
  client_id: "",
  display: "page",
  audience: "",
  scope: "openid profile email",
  redirect_uri: window.location.origin

  async function setupAuth(cb: (appState: AppState) => void) {
    try {
      state.loginActive = true;"Checking session...");
      await client.checkSession({ scope: "openid profile email" });

      if ("code=") &&"state=")
      ) {
        const { appState } = await client.handleRedirectCallback();
    } catch (e: any) {
      console.error(`Error setting up auth - ${e}`);
      if (e instanceof Error) {
        state.error = e;
      } else {
        state.error = new Error(`Failed to setup auth - ${e}`);
      throw state.error;
    } finally {
      state.loginActive = false;
      state.isAuthenticated = await client.isAuthenticated();
      state.user = await client.getUser();
      if (state.isAuthenticated) {
        state.accessToken = await client.getTokenSilently();