Apple Sign In authorization code flow for native apps

I have a flutter app and use this package to implement Apple Sign In feature: sign_in_with_apple | Flutter Package
I get the authorization data from the Apple like below:

userIdentifier = "0XXXX7.6bb65XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX36.1XXX2"
givenName = "test"
familyName = "signing"
email = ""
authorizationCode = "c372xxxxxxxa526eexxxxxx1111e.0.rwsex.SwXxxXXXdDj_XxxXXXxxX"
identityToken = "eyJraXxxuxjxxxXxxxXx.eyJXxxxxtXxxxxxxhlYXxxXXxXxXXXXX"
state = null

Then I tries to send the authorizationCode as described here in Step 3: Add Sign In with Apple to Native iOS Apps
And I get the 403 Forbidded {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid authorization code"}

I have configured the settings in the Auth0 dashobard in Social and Applications section.
Could anyone help me what should I do with the authorizationCode to perform succesfull login and get Access Token and ID Token from Auth0?