Android app + Angular app + .NET CORE api

Hello everyone. I’m writing here to ask community how to connect my system. Now I got Angular Web App + .NET Core API. All of that works great. Now I wanted to connect my android app to call methods from my .NET Core api. All the time i got 401 error. What I Have done:

  1. Created machine to machine app for .NET Core
  2. Created SPA app for Angular
  3. Created Native app for Android

What i have got from credentials is access token which i dont know what to use for and Id token. Anyway that token has less infromations than token from my Angular app. Example of android token below:




I am adding header before http request. But still got 401. Could somebody help me?

During debugging i noticed that error says: Bearer error=“invalid_token”, error_description=“The audience ‘03XMbJjaOCiENzAfkZOSUe2HPzNMUA2E’ is invalid”