Allow end users to manage their MFA

According to MFA use cases, end users can manage their own MFA

B2C: End users manage their own MFA factors via the My MFA Settings Page.

How do I access this “My MFA Settings” page?

Hey there!

I guess you’re talking about the page you need to navigate this way: Login to your Dashboard → In the left sidebar there’s the Multifactor Auth section → There you should see Factors

Hi @konrad.sopala

Thanks for your reply.

I believe the page you are referring to just enable or disable the type of MFA allowed for a tenant. End users for this tenant can then setup/enrol to one of these enabled MFA factors.

However, according to MFA use cases :

  1. B2E: You manage MFA factors for your users.

I assume this is where admin can manage the MFA for end users by clicking on “Reset Multi-factor” for a user in the User management dashboard. I.e., From Dashboard → Users & Roles → Users → ExampleUser123 → Actions → Reset Multi-factor

  1. B2C: End users manage their own MFA factors via the My MFA Settings Page.

It is unclear how end users can manage their own MFA factors.

Ahh gotchya!

Now I know which part of the dashboard you are referring to. Let me research that and get back to you shortly!

Hey there!

Got an update for you. That’s what I thought. We were missing a link in that sentence. Here’s the link to the doc that been missing:

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