Adjusting Blur on Hosted Pages

Is it possible to change or remove the blur from the header on a hosted Lock page? I know I can change the logo and button, but doing the former changes the blur orientation (from dark exterior & light interior to the opposite), which is something I’d like to undo, or eliminate entirely.


Hey there Ablock! I would love to find out more about the desired effect of the changes you would like to implement. In general we recommend against overriding the CSS with local customizations as it can have unpredictable adverse effects over time as new releases are distributed. Please let me know if this is what you are referring to. Thanks!

Thanks for the quick reply!

I was actually hoping to avoid overriding the CSS, and instead just affect the change via the HTML template provided on the Auth0 dashboard.

Ideally I would either be able to delete the blur entirely (leaving a white background behind the custom logo) or, instead, use the original badge.png as the background blur, which might allow me to keep the dark exterior, light center blur.

Light Center (Auth0) Blur

Dark enter (custom logo) Blur

Blur Eliminated

This looks to be a good idea - and while that doesn’t look possible right now, you can submit the idea via our feedback channel.

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