Adding input claims in the request to the Open ID connection

Hi there,

We are a small team with limited knowledge of Auth0 implementation. We have been using Auth0 as an identity provider and also multiple Saml connections to trust other identity providers.

However, we ran into a problem while configuring the Open ID enterprise connection. One of our clients is using Azure B2C as idP and we would like to establish the connection between our Auth0 implemented applications to the Azure B2C iDP. This implementation also requires us to send some input claims. I can’t find any easy way to do this. Any help is highly appreciated.
Based on the documentation we are supposed to send the additional input claims in the client_assertion. How can we set the jwt-bearer client assertion types?

We configured the default login button of the connection but have no clue on how to set these client assertions.

Thank you and appreciate once again your support.