Add Auth0 integration for Ionic Vue

Feature: Add auth0 integration guide and sdk for ionic-vue native apps.

Description: Currently you have integrations for “ionic & capacitor (React)” and “ionic & capacitor (Angular)” but you lack a vue alternative. It would be great if you could give Vue developers the same help as those from angular/react backgrounds.

Use-case: I’m building a corporative app that I need to be able to securize using oauth2. I’m using Ionic & Vue to the movile app development. I have been able to make it work with auth0 while on web browser development (using ionic serve and following the steps for the Vue SPA integration guide) but it doesn’t work when I try it on an emulated device on Android Studio (I’m a noob in mobile development… so maybe I’ m just doing something wrong and the SPA guide should still work)

If you could help me out (and possibly lots of other Vue developers) I would be very grateful.

Thank you for creating this feedback card! Let’s see who else from our community will be interested in such improvement!

I’m also looking for some kind of help on how to use Auth0 on Ionic-Vue! I’ve been searching for hours without any luck​:dizzy_face:! Everything is for angular! Please consider updating the docs :pray:

Thank you for advocating for that. Will do my best to advocate for that internally as well!

This would be huge for me.

Thanks for advocating for that!

I would really like to see this guide. Cheers.

Thanks for adding your +1 to this Spence!

+1 Ive been struggling for about a week to get integrated with Vue at all on mobile. I am all out of ideas, was considering trying to learn react just for this but unfortunately probably going to have to switch auth providers until there is some documentation.

Sorry to hear that and thanks for adding that context Eric!

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No problem, i’ll be keeping an eye out for any news on this issue.

Sure, we’ll let you know once it’s there!


Hi Konrad,

Any update on this? Do you have a timeline or any idea of when it might be added? Is it likely not to be added at all? It would be good to know?


Unfortunately no public ETA as of now. As soon as I know something that I’ll be able to relay, I’ll make sure to do it here. Thank you for your understanding!

@spence @konrad.sopala I was able to piece together a working example by looking at the react implementation: GitHub - stephanepericat/ionic-vue-auth .

Hope this helps!


Thanks a lot for sharing that!

It’s not an official Auth0 guide but definitely a workaround for everybody!

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feel free to use it for your documentation needs!

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That helps! Many thanks @shortwavaudio


+1 really would help me out with a new project!

Thank you @meierlin for advocating for this feature! On a monthly basis we work with our product teams to review feedback cards and get the most significant ones analysed and potentially added to the backlog.