Account linking through Actions

I have a similar use case that the one explained in this thread and in this one.

I’ve been struggling to plan a working solution for the automatic linking of accounts matching their emails. I’ve read all across the docs that this isn’t supported by any consolidated auth0 solutions but I still don’t get why.

Our platforms are for internal use so all users will use our enterprise email addresses and I still can’t think of any worst-case scenario where automatically linking accounts by email can be a risk in any way possible. Sadly we can’t easily integrate this because the account linking extension doesn’t support passwordless connections.

We were very excited when we discovered that action flows might be useful, but when reading the docs it seems that Account Linking isn’t supported!

I guess I’ll try to create a serverless function somewhere that hit the management API to link accounts when necessary, triggered by the post-login trigger, as briefly described here.

Anybody know if this would work? Any alternatives?

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