Access_token using pkce

I am understanding the way to create access_token using pkce.
I found this link:
I notices that the access token which gets generated by this process doesn’t seems to be a JWT token. How do we generate a JWT tocken using pkce?


According to the access token document:

  • If the audience is set to
    {YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN}/userinfo, then
    the Access Token will be an opaque
  • If the audience is set to the unique
    identifier of a custom API, then the
    Access Token will be a JSON Web Token

Also, when the audience is set to a custom API and the scope parameter includes the openid value, then the generated Access Token will be a JWT valid for both retrieving the user’s profile and for accessing the custom API.

For more information about creating and configuring an API in Auth0, see: APIs

You should also check the OIDC Conformant switch, located in the client’s advanced settings. See this for more info: Applications in Auth0

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