400 error when verifying Passwordless OTP SMS code w/ New Universal Login (Identifier First)

Hi @dan.woda ,

Thank you!

Here an example from our Auth0 logs for the OTP Verification Code failing issue:

  "date": "2023-03-22T18:47:15.267Z",
  "type": "fu",
  "description": "Wrong phone number or verification code.",
  "connection": "sms",
  "connection_id": "...",
  "client_id": "...",
  "client_name": "...",
  "ip": "...",
  "user_agent": "Chrome 111.0.0 / Mac OS X 10.15.7",
  "details": {
    "error": {
      "message": "Wrong phone number or verification code."
  "user_id": "",
  "user_name": "...",
  "strategy": "sms",
  "strategy_type": "passwordless",
  "log_id": "...",
  "_id": "...",
  "isMobile": false,
  "id": "..."

The UI says “Code Invalid” on the screen.

A second issue we have with testing this flow:
My phone number gets “You’ve reached the maximum number of attempts”. I disabled all of Auth0’s Brute Force Protection features, but I don’t know how to unlock my phone to re-test.
Others have this issue as well:
Email OTP code submission through proxy, “You’ve reached the maximum number of attempts. Please try to login again” - Auth0 Community
