400 Bad Request: Payload validation error: 'Too few properties defined (0), minimum 1'


I am trying to disable all the grant type for a given client

err = mgr.Client.Update(ClientID, &management.Client{
GrantTypes: nil,

err = mgr.Client.Update(ClientID, &management.Client{
GrantTypes: interface{}{},

When I am trying to do so I am getting this error Payload validation error: 'Too few properties defined (0), minimum. Can anyone suggest how can I achieve this

I can select from one grant to another but can’t deselect all using management API

Hello @gsinha!

I understand you’re trying to disable all grant types. I tried using the Auth0 dashboard and that worked for disabling all grant types. If this does not work for you please reach out. Please give this a try!


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