UN-verified email - resend Verification Email via Action

I’ve seen several posts (with outdated links to documentation, incorrect code, etc…) so Hoping someone can simply provide a working solution of code that can be copied/pasted into an Action, that will be Triggered in Post-Login. Like many others, I want to create an Action for ALL users, regardless of the app, that will simply re-send the user another verification email if they login with an Un-verified email address then I’d lke to redirect them to a HTML page that simply says “You need to Verify your Email - please check your in box”. Personally, I do not understand why this is not just a check-box somewhere. I went to this Artice: Send a Verification Email from a Post-Login Action and that code snippet simply does not work.
This code does a simple re-direct:
exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
if (!event.user.email_verified) {
// Redirect to a custom page or simply show the message.

so, help me understand why the code necessary to simply send a verification email. It clearly exists already as in Users > (more Actions “there dots”) there is Send Verification Email. Can that please be shared?