Third Party Cookies for SSO


Auth0 uses a cookie for SSO (single-sign-on) - the auth0 cookie.

Most major browsers (Safari/Firefox) already block third-party cookies in non-incognito mode by default. Chrome is expected to do the same soon.

If this cookie gets blocked, SSO will not work, and silent authentication requests not using refresh tokens will get the login required error.

Applies To

  • Regular Web Applications
  • SPA (Single Page Applications)


Blocking 3rd party cookies is a security measurement browsers are enforcing.


The ideal solution to avoid this issue is to have the web application and the Auth0 tenant share the same TLD+1 (top-level domain).

For example, if the application is here:

The Auth0 tenant could use the following custom domain:

In that case, the SSO cookie set by Auth0 during authentication using will not be seen as 3rd party when making a request from

If that is not possible, there is a workaround, which is using refresh tokens as a mechanism to gather new access tokens without relying on the SSO cookie. Please see the Related References section (Refresh Tokens and Access Settings) for more details.

Related References