New Permissions added to role not updating

And then I noticed this: Auth0 only allows me to have 100 permissions per user - #4 by ayan.sen :roll_eyes:

OK, so actually in the example I copied for an action it was set to 50. Turns out the max you can have is 100.

const auth0 = require('auth0'); // 4.1.0

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  const namespace = '';

  const { user } = event

  const { ManagementClient } = auth0;

   const management = new ManagementClient({
    clientId: event.secrets.client_id,
    clientSecret: event.secrets.client_secret,
    domain: event.secrets.domain

  const params = { 
   id: user.user_id, 
   page: 0, 
   per_page: 100,  // <-- HERE
   include_totals: true,

  try {
     const {
       data: {
     } = await management.users.getPermissions(params);

     const permissionsArr = => {
      return permission.permission_name;

    api?.idToken?.setCustomClaim?.(`${namespace}/permissions`, permissionsArr);
    api?.accessToken?.setCustomClaim?.(`${namespace}/permissions`, permissionsArr);
  } catch (err) {
    return api.access.deny(err.message);

  • Can someone from Auth0 explain what you’re to do if there’s that?
  • Can you make repeated calls from the client? If so, how? (Just increment page number until array empty? Or is there a flag to show ‘no more results’?)
  • Also, can you cache these in any way to speed things up and avoid going over limits?
