isAuthenticated fails on login, works on refresh

Hey, @dan-auth0 thanks for your reply. I’m pretty much doing exactly like Auth0 Angular SDK Quickstarts: Login the angular quickstart, that’s pretty much the architecture my app is following, the only difference is I was passing the custom scopes in the loginWithRedirect() method and it was causing a delay I don’t know why. And also I included these scopes in httpInterceptor tokenOptions.

But I think I found a solution yesterday:

I don’t know why but if I set my scopes in the authentication module initialization and don’t pass it in the loginWithRedirect() the delay does not occur and my isAuthenticated$ returns true straightway after the login.



  httpInterceptor: {

Before I was not setting my scopes in the auth section.

export const environment = {
production: false,
apiUrl: apiUrl,
appUrl: appUrl,
auth: {
domain: “”,
clientId: “myclientId”,
audience: “myaudience”,
redirectUri: ${appUrl},
scope: ‘read:sponsors create:sponsor read:programs delete:sponsor-program-enrolment’
httpInterceptor: {
allowedList: [
uri: ${apiUrl}/*,
tokenOptions: {
// The attached token should target this audience
audience: ‘myaudience’,
// The attached token should have these scopes
scope: ‘read:sponsors create:sponsor read:programs delete:sponsor-program-enrolment’

I’m not setting the scopes in the loginWithRedirect() method anymore.

loginWithRedirect() {

This solution worked for me and no more delay with isAuthenticated$.