How to get all user Claims with tokenOptions

Can anyone help here? Do i need any special settings in postman?

Hi @k-auth0,

Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with Spring at all, but I will try to help! Are you testing your API in Postman using the Access Token you receive after logging into the Angular app as the Bearer token in the Authorization header? Have you tried logging the token you are receiving in the API to see the entire token and decoding it at

To clarify, In above scenario - Angular is out of scope. Postman is invoking endpoint, and Spring is scanning the token and printing all properties - claims, scopes permissions…

may be I have to use the below

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I think the tutorial would be a great example to follow! You can also check out the Spring quickstart if your haven’t already: Auth0 Java Spring Boot SDK Quickstarts: Login

Still Nightmares

Once there was this object - AuthenticationJsonWebToken

May be it is now - @AuthenticationPrincipal OidcUser principal

The example doesn’t give enough logs to understand. I would be nice to write small example, which I think is part of unit testing, as Spring users is one huge community. Lots of ellipses in the example {…}

@PreAuthorize(“hasAuthority(‘delete:items’)”) // :sparkles: :point_left: New line :sparkles:
public ResponseEntity delete(@PathVariable(“id”) Long id) {…}

public ResponseEntity<Map<String, String>> handleValidationExceptions(
        MethodArgumentNotValidException ex) {...}

Too much forcing like -@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true) and endpoints @PreAuthorize(“hasAuthority(‘create:items’)”) is unwanted

Can anyone tell me - how can I print the claims using the above example.

Ok. Sorted

In an endpoint signature, we can add this default bean - JwtAuthenticationToken authentication

public String getSomething(final JwtAuthenticationToken authentication) {

authentication.getTokenAttributes().entrySet().stream().forEach(e → System.out.println(e.getKey()+": "+ e.getValue().toString()));


I have to now figure out, the minimal code needed for the functionality

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