How to do long expiration time with passwordless?

Good news!!

(Although only for enterprise plans) seems the inactivity timeout can be bumped up to 100 days now :scream:

Are there any plans to also open this up for developer or developer pro plans? :pray:

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Yep I wanted to communicate that however as you mentioned it’s now only for enterprise customer no info so far for developer and developer pro tier.

@konrad.sopala I work for a non-profit that’s very cost sensitive. We really can’t afford an Enterprise plan. Please add this feature to all plans!


This decision is up to our product and engineering team. I’ll make sure to advocate for it!


Hello folks! I strongly encourage those of you with interest in long-lived sessions who do not have enterprise accounts to submit your feedback to our Product team using our Product Feedback form.

Some FAQ around why we occasionally will direct you to submit feedback in this manner is available in this topic: How do I submit Product feedback or feature requests?

Having feedback submitted that has additional context as well as your contact information associated helps Product immensely when determining what features to develop and what plan tiers to include.

When you submit the feedback, please include your tenant name and what plan you’re using and give some context around your use case. All feedback submitted is read by our Product team and mapped accordingly.

Those of us in other teams at Auth0 will certainly advocate on your behalf, but your own feedback given directly to our Product team is very greatly appreciated!

Hey @adamzr! Regarding the following:

I understand that there are other competing priorities, but I’d like to see 2 things:

  • a monthly blog post on what feature changes were made that month
  • a public broad roadmap of upcoming features

I think that will help create more transparency.

We currently publish changes and updates in the Auth0 Changelog along with things like Dashboard notifications, customer emails, announcements in Community, and occasionally blog posts for larger feature releases. However, we totally hear you on the request for a more centralized (and potentially subscribable!) way to get these updates to you.

As @konrad.sopala mentioned, we’re currently discussing and iterating on plans for how to increase roadmap transparency! There are quite a few additional factors we need to take into serious consideration when tackling that kind of endeavor, but rest assured we’re actively working on it!

Regarding the suggestion for a blog post rundown, this is an interesting idea! We may be able to produce some content on a recurring basis that distills the changelog announcements for a certain period of time (potentially quarterly, as some months do not have items to report). The most appropriate format for this is currently being discussed; it could be on the blog, or in regular Announcements as Community topics.

Thanks for the suggestions! Please keep an eye out for associated announcements on this. (As this discussion has diverged from the subject of this topic, I will likely not update here, but we’ll create a new topic with any updates on this.)

Hey there everyone!

We decided that from time to time we’ll be giving you updates about our product roadmap. Here’s our Product Roadmap post regarding long-lived sessions:

Let our product team know what you think by providing feedback through our feedback site: