How can I access custom user properties in my custom action?

Hello community!

Thanks for the feedback and interest. We are looking into unlocking create custom attributes for my users and store data on the user object by bringing SAML mapping to Actions by Q2 2023. We will be updating our changelog and Auth0 document when it becomes available.



It is also critical that my organization can access top-level user attributes from within Actions. We will be unable to migrate off of Rules until this enhancement is in production and anxiously await its deployment.

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I’ll add to the votes for top level attributes here. Specifically we’re using an Enterprise Google Workspace connection and would like to drive our role based access from the groups specified in the GSuite.

Any updates on this feature?

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Hey there!

As this topic is related to Actions and Rules & Hooks are being deprecated soon in favor of Actions, I’m excited to let you know about our next Ask me Anything session in the Forum on Thursday, January 18 with the Rules, Hooks and Actions team on Rules & Hooks and why Actions matter! Submit your questions in the thread above and our esteemed product experts will provide written answers on January 18. Find out more about Rules & Hooks and why Actions matter! Can’t wait to see you there!

Learn more here!

Any updates? It’s already Feb 2024

Just updating in case someone searches and finds this thread like I did. We were able to see root level attributes mapped from an enterprise oauth connection in event.user in a post login action. So this appears to be working now? would be great if someone from Auith0 could confirm that this should be working this way now.


@konrad.sopala can we get a confirmation on this method please? I just tried it myself and it works well. I’d like to make sure that this is the official path forward on this issue so that we can start using it and retire the Rule we are currently using for this functionality.

Hello team,

Is there any update on this ?

We need to access custom attributes set by SAML providers during an action without calling the management API to avoid rate limits.

We need to migrate from rules to actions asap, since rules will be depreciated soon. Please help in providing solution for this.

Thanks in advance.