Authorization server not configured with default connection

Problem statement

I received the

{“error”:“server_error”,“error_description”:“Authorization server not configured with default connection.”}

when calling the /token endpoint.

curl --request POST
–url ‘’
–header ‘content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’
–data grant_type=password
–data ‘username=###EMAIL###’
–data ‘password=###PASSWORD###’
–data ‘client_id=###CLIENT_ID###’
–data ‘client_secret=###CLIENT_SECRET###’


According to the below doc, the ROPG flow needs the default directory set.


Alternatively, if you have another connection as the default, you should be able to specify the active db connection this way: use the password-realm grant type and add an additional “realm” property to the call, which should be set to the database connection name you want to use.