Auth0js - logout without redirect

Here is how I did it:

I deleted the cookies and re-initialized my Auth0Client.

My full util:

import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';

import type { Auth0Client } from '@auth0/auth0-spa-js';

export class Auth0 {
  #client: Auth0Client | null = null;

  constructor() {

  @tracked isAuthenticated: boolean | null = null;

  get isPending() {
    return this.isAuthenticated === null;

  #setup = async () => {
    if (this.#client) return this.#client;

    const { createAuth0Client } = await import('@auth0/auth0-spa-js');

    this.#client = await createAuth0Client({ .. });

    await this.#updateAuthStatus();

    return this.#client;

  #updateAuthStatus = async () => {
    if (!this.#client) return;

    let status = await this.#client.isAuthenticated();

    this.isAuthenticated = status;

    return this.isAuthenticated;

  check = async () => {
    await this.#setup();
    await this.#updateAuthStatus();

  login = async () => {
    let client = await this.#setup();

    if (this.isAuthenticated) return;

    await client.loginWithPopup();
    await this.#updateAuthStatus();

   * Auth0 should make this easier...
   * -
   * -
   * -
  logout = async () => {
    await this.#setup();

    if (!this.isAuthenticated) return;

    document.cookie = '';
    this.#client = null;
    await this.#setup();