Resource ID's for Lock Android UI elements

We are using android lock UI for authentication and have launched out app in Beta on android play store. Play store console provides pre launch report with sign in credentials. Which helps to test accross devices etc. Use a pre-launch report to identify issues - Play Console Help
The Android resource name of the text field within our app for username , passsword and login button.
Is there a way to get the resource names ( App resources overview  |  Android Developers) of lock UI elements.

I made an internal query to find out more about this; an update will be posted here when there’s concrete information to share.

We don’t guarantee the stability of the current resource identifiers in future Lock Android versions so we also do not document or advertise the current ones being used in order to not set the wrong expectations. Having said that, if you’re okay with manually reviewing these identifiers whenever you update Lock Android then you can obtain the resource identifiers by going straight to the source and taking in consideration the version you use.

Hi João Angelo ,
Sincere apologies for being late to respond was a bit out of action for last few days. Thanks a ton for your answer will implement same and keep an eye whenever we update the version. Cheers !!!

Hi João Angelo ,
Sincere apologies for being late to respond was a bit out of action for last few days. Thanks a ton for your answer will implement same and keep an eye whenever we update the version. Cheers !!!