not working whitelist ip list for Brute Force ?

How Whitelist from Brute-force protection works? I added some IP there - the one I got in an email about “IP blocked” additionally I unblock user in Dashboard. I suppose to have not any problems with it again but it is still blocking me after 10 login attempts and sending to my email to unblock it - how can I turn it OFF for some IP?

Related Zendesk ticket:

The Whitelist in Brute-Force Protection only applies under the “Targeting Multiple User Accounts” shield (see image below). This means that if multiple different users are accessing Auth0 from a proxy or shared IP, you can whitelist that IP/range.

Note that this does not apply to single users and their failed attempts. Anomaly Detection can be turned off per account, or temporarily, to make sure development efforts aren’t affected.

More information on [Anomaly Detection] (Attack Protection).
