Should refreshing tokens also return a new refresh token?

I am having problems when working with refresh tokens on Cordova/Ionic2+

I implemented the login according to the ionic2+ quickstart and tried using my refresh token by making a request to /oauth/token according to Refresh Tokens this request returns a object containing access_token, expires_in, id_token, token_type, but I do not get a new refresh token.

So I can only refresh my token once. Am i doing something wrong or is this intentional?

Why do you need a new refresh token? Once you got one, you can continue to use it until it is revoked, i.e. you can use it over and over to get new access&id tokens.

Technically, you do not need a new refresh token. Once you got one, you can continue to use it until it is revoked, i.e. you can use it over and over to get new access&id tokens.

Okay thanks, than it seems my problem is resolved :smiley: