Lock Web - Get JWT access token and id token to call API

I added Lock in my SPA application. I follow the quickstart and get a valid JWT ID token. Until then it is ok.

But I need to call my homemade API. So I added my API in the API part of my account. And change Lock options like that :

var options = {
  auth: {
    params: {
      scope: 'openid',
      audience: 'http://xxx.com'

With this configuration, when I try to connect to the application, I have a JWT access token but not an id token (idToken: undefined).

If I use :

var options = {
  auth: {
    responseType: 'id_token token',
    params: {
      scope: 'openid',
      audience: 'http://xxx.com'

I have a JWT id token but the call to getProfile API return a 401 error :


If I try with the /authorize API (Authentication API Explorer), I have the same results.

So where did I make a mistake ? How to obtain a JWT ID token to get the user profile information and a JWT access token to call my custom API?

An ID Token (within the scope of OIDC) will always be a JWT because that’s a requirement of the specification. However, the format of access tokens is left as an implementation detail for the identity provider/authorization server.

Currently, Auth0 may issue either opaque access tokens (relatively short tokens made of a random sequence of characters) or a JWT access token. The JWT access tokens are currently being issued when the request states that it wants to leverage API Authorization (aka audience parameter).

The ID Token will include as part of the claims contained within the token itself the OIDC user information requested during the authentication request. For example, if you include scope=openid+email then the ID Token will contain an email claim if the user has one. This means you may not need an additional request to get user information.

If you’re making an additional request you can call the /userinfo (GitHub - auth0/lock: Auth0's signin solution) endpoint to get user information; calling this endpoint requires that you provide a suitable access token. This can either be an opaque access token or a JWT access token that lists the /userinfo endpoint as a valid audience.

Have in mind that getUserInfo is different than getProfile (they accept different tokens) and the recommendation is also to move away from getProfile (see the note at: GitHub - auth0/lock: Auth0's signin solution). The error you got with getProfile might have been caused by using the incorrect token with it, but my recommendation would be for you to move to getUserInfo instead.

Finally, take in consideration that the use of Lock with API Authorization (aka audience parameter) is not yet documented so your mileage may vary. If you want API Authorization the currently recommended approach is to use Auth0.js v8, in particular, the methods that make use of the hosted login page.

Not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, I have the same issue as the OP, do you know when is when are we going to be able use Lock with API Authorization (audience parameter)

Not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, I have the same issue as the OP, do you know when is when are we going to be able use Lock with API Authorization (audience parameter)

I’m afraid I can’t provide a definitive timeline; it’s something being worked on, but trying to provide you with more concrete information could just be settings the wrong expectations so at this time there is not a hard date for it.

@jmangelo So how do you actually use the lock method to log in within a SPA to get a correct access token to use API endpoints, as my website uses # and the auth0.js is not working correctly.

@jmangelo So how do you actually use the lock method to log in within a SPA to get a correct access token to use API endpoints, as my website uses # and the auth0.js is not working correctly.

As mentioned above, at this time Lock embedded within your client application does not yet fully support what you intend to do. However, Auth0.js is supported so if you have issues with that the recommendation would be to post it as a separate question.