Verification Email, Redirect To is invalid

We are using Universal Login with Email Templates. The “Email Verification (using Link)” is configured with a redirect url of simply {{ application.callback_domain }}. Inside the liquid template we are using {{ url }} for the action url.

The email verification itself is succeeding however the redirected to URL is incorrect.

According to the documentation:

The application.callback_domain variable will contain the origin of the first URL listed in the application’s Allowed Callback URL list

We have multiple values:, http://localhost:13443, another_url

However the result winds up being:

The path console/ is missing. We need it to be dynamic based upon the Auth0 app and not determined by our API.

We have multiple apps under the same subdomain hence why this is important.

contain the origin of the first URL

Ah, keyword ORIGIN, that is a bummer. I’m going to have to create a hack now to get this to work.