Using the auth0-user-import-export

Hey all,
I hope it is the best place to write my question.
Using the auth0-user-import-export extension helps me a lot. I’m exporting a CSV, loads it into google sheets, and use G-sheets data sorting to learn about my users.
I thought of going forward and build a site that will read the users data once a day and will present a smart table and graphs to study about my users,
Is there an extension or another solution that will allow me to see my users’ data in one big table?

Thanks in advance

Hi @guy1812,
You can list or search users through the Management API. By using this API you have to consider the Management API Usage Rate Limits, though.
Best regards,

Jorge Nicolau

Eventually I wrote a aws lambda function that reads all the users (in many batches)
maps them and saves it to a new tab on some google sheet file.