Untrimmed names lead to conflicting records in succeeding systems

When an user signs up (the technology does not matter as this can happen on multiple sign up workflows and libraries), it is possible that a first or last name is provided, which contains unwanted spaces in the beginning or the end of the name. We even had one case where a LinkedIn user had his first or last name stored on their profile containing a whitespace.

When the registering process is through, the user has a family_name or given_name with leading or trailing spaces in Auth0. A rule cannot change these fields during signup, as discussed here and described here.

When we access Auth0 data for further processing and storage, e.g. in a CRM, we trim names for the sake of data quality. However this is only one of many planned systems bound to Auth0, and not all of them will trim the data gotten from Auth0. What we essentially need is trimmed data inside of Auth0. And apparently, it is not possible to trim the fields family_name and given_name, e.g. via rules.

If there is no other way for this expected behavior than to store the trimmed names in the users metadata fields using rules, we would like to have the possibility for a setting which will by default trim all name fields before storing them into family_name and given_name. If there is another way we can achieve this, please let us know!

Thank you very much in advance.

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I have a similar issue here