Passwordless email template corrupted after import from Git with GitHub Deployments 3.7 extension

After exporting our Auth0 config with the extension Auth0 Deploy CLI 6.0 with the command a0deploy export -c pftp-auth0-config.json -f directory -o pftp and then pushing the export into our Git repository which will be automatically imported again with the extension GitHub Deployments 3.7, the body of the email is just ./email.html.

Dialog before import at Dashboard > Authentication > Passwordless > Choose “Email”:

Dialog after import at Dashboard > Authentication > Passwordless > Choose “Email”:

The exported file email.json (in the connections folder of the export) with the meta data looks similar to the json files of other mail templates (in the emails folder of the export):

  "options": {
    "name": "email",
    "totp": {
      "length": 6,
      "time_step": 300
    "email": {
      "body": "./email.html",
      "from": "Plant-for-the-Planet <>",
      "syntax": "liquid",
      "subject": "{% if user.user_metadata.lang == 'de' %}Zugriffscode für{% else %}Access code for{% endif %} {{ }}"
    "disable_signup": false,
    "brute_force_protection": true
  "strategy": "email",
  "name": "email",
  "is_domain_connection": false,
  "enabled_clients": [
    "TreeCounter [Development]"