Password less authentication on custom connection

I am facing an issue with passwordless functionality.
user “” exists with user_id “auth0|123” in connection “my_users”
When I try to validate the user using passworless API, a new user is created with” exists with user_id “email|456” in connection “email”

Is it possible to use a user-made connection for the passwordless authentication without causing the above problem?

Hello @rchawande , Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Can you clarify the above issue in more detail?
When you say you try to validate the user using passwordless API, you mean to create a
new passwordless user?

The 2 connections are different one is a Database connection and the other is an Email type
passwordless connection, both are a separate pool of users and authentication also happens
separately so it’s ok to have users with the same emails on separate connections.



I am trying to achieve a verification flow to update Profile on my application (with added security). Once the User Enters the OTP sent on their mail, I will make the update profile call.

The issue I am facing is that, instead of using
user “” with user_id “auth0|123” in connection “my_users”,
the passwordless API creates a new user with
“” with user_id “email|456” in connection “email”.

My intention was to use the user_id “auth0|123” in connection “my_users”.
You said “both are a separate pool of users and authentication also happens
separately so it’s ok to have users with the same emails on separate connections”, but I was hoping to avoid duplication.

Thanks in advance

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(post deleted by author)

I have a similar scenario to rchawande. I want to obtain a grant/token for a user existing in a database connection via email (OTP)