Not receiving login link emails from Auth0

Hi everyone,

I am facing an issue where the login link emails are not being received, therefore stopping users from accessing the system. I have checked the logs in monitoring and there are no errors. This behavior is intermittent and I was able to receive the emails up until yesterday. No new changes were applied to any part of the Auth0 settings for a while now. Sometimes the emails are delivered after a huge delay (30 mins).

Any ideas on how to troubleshoot and fix this issue? Thanks.

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We’re having the same issue right now very suddenly. Everything was fine until a few minutes ago. I’m assuming Auth0 is experiencing some sort of outage or degradation that hasn’t made it to the status page yet?

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Please confirm you are using a custom email provider, as the built-in provider is experiencing some latency, but is not intended for production use and should only be used for testing.