Microsoft Azure AD claims not being added to token payload

Hi, we are building a flutter app, and we intend to use Microsoft Azure AD to atuhenticate our users through Auth0. We configured the Application to connect to our Microsoft Azure AD. When authenticating from the flutter app we receive a token containing the following fields in the payload

“scope”: “openid profile email offline_access”,

whereas when authenticating from Authentication > Enterprise Coonection > Microsoft Azure AD > My Connection > “Try”

I get the following claims:

I was wondering what we need to do to receive the same fields I receive when I’m authenticating from “Try”.


the difference happened because there was a Rule that was adding the “mydomianURL” claims into the ID token. The flutter app looks at the access token, so in onrder to see the other claims I had to add them to the Access token. I did this by creating an action

including the code


and adding the action to the login flow.