Logout of Auth0 does not log my user out of facebook/azure

I have an auth0 set up with azure and facebook. Though when i disconnect from my application, and try to login again, it takes me to universal login and i can re-login to azure or facebook without reentering credentials. How can I achieve to be disconnected from those external IDPs?

Hello @janipiombo,

Welcome to the Community. To do what you are trying to do, you need to log the user out of the IdP:

I’d be careful doing this though … If you are logging the user out of Facebook every time they log out of your app, you may have unhappy users.


Hello @markd,

I am facing the same issue and have gone through the link you have shared. However, I’m not able to figure out how to use the federated URL.

I assumed “withAudience” can be used but looks like “withAudience” is not available with “WebAuthProvider.logout”.

I’m trying to achieve the logout functionality for an Android mobile app- Java.

Let me know if you need further details from me.