Linkedin, email address not being returned with other fields after login


I’m getting all the profile fields returned eg. name, nickname, picture etc…

Email address field is checked in social > linkedin > auth0 settings but is not included in the returned object.

Another question, is the ‘sub’ field : “linkedin|XXXXXXXXXX” unique and will never change?

Kind Regards,


Anyone? App is going for testing soon. Really need the email coming through with the other basic profile fields.


Hi James

I would like to know if you managed to solve the problem … if so, I would appreciate telling you how you did it since I have exactly the same behavior.

Hi,i am using linkedin social connection on a stagging environment in react application,the email id attribute is not coming from the user profile after login using linkedin social to get the email value?.
i will be wondering if someone knows or come across this situation.

Thanks in advance