Is there any way to sign up via social platform at the same email and password are required

Hi Community,

I have auth0 universal (classic and with lock.js) at the moment users can sign up via social platform or default email and password. Normally when you sign up for any forms via social platform password and email are not required.

Question, is it possible when user choose to sign up via social platform password and email are set to required?

Any suggestions?

Hi @ifStuckAsk ,

When a user logs in with a Social Connection, their credentials are handled by the respective identity provider (i.e. Google). It’s not possible to set a password for users that are signing in with Social connections.

Users can however, sign up with a Database connection which uses email and password combination. Later, they can decide to link the two accounts together with Account Linking.

Read more about account linking here: User Account Linking

Hope this helps!

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Thanks for helping with this Supun!